About Us

What is a BIA?
Bixby Knolls Business Improvement Association. A “Business Improvement Association” is a proactive organization of business people who join together and pool their resources to promote the area for the benefit of the businesses in the district.
What is a BID?
A business improvement district (BID) is a defined area within which businesses pay an additional fee in order to fund improvements within the district’s boundaries. BIDs offer local businesses the chance to join together and assess themselves for agreed upon improvements. BIDs provide cleaner streets and sidewalks, landscape beautification, enhanced security, capital improvement opportunities, pedestrian and streetscape enhancements, special events, and area marketing. BIDs offer supplemental services already provided by the municipality.

BKBIA Mission
The purpose of the Bixby Knolls Business Improvement Association is to promote the interests of its professional, service and retail members, to enhance the common areas within the BIA area, to facilitate the exchange of business information and ideas, and to promote the highest business and ethical standards.

How was the Bixby Knolls BIA formed?
The Bixby Knolls Parking and Business Improvement Area was created by Ordinance C-6646 on September 21, 1989 by the Long Beach City Council at the request of local business owners. Its activities are administered by the Bixby Knolls Business Improvement Association. Each year the City Council holds a public hearing and reviews the activities of the organization.
In the fall of 1993 the BIA became incorporated and received its nonprofit status, 501(c)6. The Association is governed by an elected, eleven member Board of Directors. The work of the Association is accomplished through voluntary committees and its Executive Director.
Each business and non-profit in the District is assessed annually by the City of Long Beach and these funds are then returned to the BKBIA for activities focused on revitalization, promotion, street aesthetics, and security. The association is governed by an elected eleven member Board of Directors and association work is accomplished through voluntary committees working with an Executive Director and staff.
The BKBIA Board
The association is governed by an elected 11 member volunteer Board of Directors. Directors are elected for two year terms and may serve three consecutive terms. Directors are elected from different areas of the district with three from both Atlantic Avenue and Long Beach Boulevard, two Directors from the Wardlow Road area, two Directors are At Large and one Director from the Bixby Knolls Shopping Center.
Strategic Plan
This strategic plan was recommended by the Economic Development Blueprint and piloted by the Department to develop a model for the growth and sustainability of all BIDs citywide. The purpose of the Strategic Plan is to assess the overall mix of services and programs offered by BKBIA, as well as, evaluate new methods of revenue generation for the organization.
Long Beach State of the BIDs
Independent study from the Progressive Urban Management Associates on the positive impact of the BIDs in the city.
Special Events
The BIA organizes several events and programs each month including: Knights of the Round (Turn)Table, First Fridays Long Beach, Strollers, Literary Society, Supper Club, Kidical Mass, and a variety of others. The success of each event is the connection and support between our BIA members and local community members. There are opportunities to promote your business at each event and better “personalize” your business to the residents.
The BIA also produces other events and marketing opportunities like Cash Mobs, photo & poetry contests, Concerts in the Park(ing Lot), and block parties. Get creative. Think outside the box. The BIA can help promote your event, sale, program, service, and promotion for more exposure and increased business.
Our current boundaries encompass approximately 900 businesses located north of the 405 Freeway to 46th Street on the north and from the west side of Long Beach Boulevard to the east side of Atlantic Avenue.
If you are looking to open a business in Bixby Knolls, OR, if you have just opened a business, please contact us at Info@bixbyknollsinfo.com or call 562 595-0081, so we can get you in the “Know’lls”